Friday, July 10, 2009

it's over! :)

30 days ago today I embarked on a mission. Thirty days of celibacy, thirty days of concentrating on me. It seemed easy at first, and then I met someone who threw the whole thing for a loop. It's easy to be celibate when no one's interested in you. I could have stopped it right there. But I didn't. Partly because he wouldn't let me, and my best friends would not hear a word of it either.

Everyone pulled for me to complete this and I want to say a big THANK YOU for all the support I got! It really helped me out to think that people cared about what I had to say.

What did I learn? Well, I truly learned that it's okay to go to bed by yourself at night- to spend evenings alone- to go get a drink by myself. I learned that the perfect guy isn't always there on your timing, but that doesn't mean you should waste your time with the ones that don't treat you right.

And finally, I realized that you shouldn't compromise yourself for any reason, especially a significant other. You should find someone that likes the real, honest YOU- not the YOU that is a front.

If you do all those things, you may just find someone who makes you happy.

Officially, today is the end of the celibacy... but we aren't rushing. We're doing this right.. and building a relationship out of friendship and love, before we even introduce the physical aspects.

This... is what it should look like :)

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