Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day Eight


I went to KU Med today and had an ultrasound on my breast. The tech couldn't see anything abnormal, but wanted to take a mammogram just to make sure. The "mammographer" said that she could definitely see the spot where I had the lump and marked it so that we could definitely check that spot out. Nothing.

This is great, great news on one hand and frustrating news on the other. First, I don't have cancer and that is the absolute BEST possible outcome we could have!!! BUT! They tell you to check your breasts for changes. I did, and I saw it- and it was this lump. So I had it checked out, and they offered absolutely no explanation for what it could be- so how will I know if I ever do have a bad lump that needs to be checked? It's confusing!

But no more bad talk. I'm happy to be OKAY and thankful for all of your support. I'm going to throw myself into work and school and this mission. In fact, next week (Sunday-Friday) I will be in New Orleans, LA on a mission trip with my BFF, Michelle and her church. We will be feeding the homeless, working with a day camp every day, and eating real Southern food. It may not sound like a good vacation, but I'm excited about it- I love volunteering!

After I return home on Friday evening, I have to turn around and go to St Louis until July 1st for a Missouri NAHRO conference. It's going to be ridiculous! Out of my office for 2 weeks, are you SERIOUS! What ever will I do with myself??

Do you know what I miss most out of the whole being celibate thing? Cuddling. I feel that there is nothing better than being wrapped up in the arms of someone you (like or love). It's not the sex, it's not the kissing. Although I do miss hand holding. What can I say? I'm a hopeFUL romantic :)

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