Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Halfway Through

I feel that I need to assess myself as today is officially 2 weeks from the start of my mission. That's two weeks in and two to go. When I started this journey I was broken, sad, and empty. I filled those voids with guys- emotional trainwrecks usually. Guys that were cynical about marriage, God and love. Those aren't my type of guys, but those were the ones that were around. I realized that I didn't want those type of guys in my life anymore, and I took steps to change it. I ended friendships and other such relationships. I let go of them. And they didn't come back for me. That's how I knew I had made the right choice.

In one of my very first blogs I mentioned what would happen if I met someone during this journey. Well, I hate to jinx it by even mentioning it, but I did meet someone- at this point, he's someone that I would like to get to know more. He knows that I'm celibate and respects it fully. However, I must confess that i did kiss him. But it stopped there and that was all that there was. My friend Anna said something that I really love and am going to share with you: "You only get one first time to do (physical) stuff with someone... make it count." I told her that I would keep it in mind. :)

While we dont know each other well (We'll call him A), A and I clicked almost instantly. We spent an entire morning and afternoon together without even the slightest bit of annoyance on either of our parts. It's kind of one of those things that just fits, I suppose.

I'm not getting ahead of myself, so I am going to end it here. I'm in New Orleans until Friday and I'm going to focus my attention on this city. Working here has really opened my eyes to how spoiled we all are.

Talk to you guys soon!! xoxoxo

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