Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day One

It's Day One.

I've gotten overwhelming support from friends who really stand behind me on this mission and I'm really excited for that. Thanks errrybody!

I've been thinking about all the fun things I will be doing instead of dating, and I realized how silly I had been. I used to not make plans all night because someone said they "might" wanna hang out that evening. So imagine my surprise when it was 10:30 and he still hadn't called. All that wasted time!!!

Part of this blog is going to be my experiences with dating and why I've come to this point.

When I was younger... about 4th or 5th grade... my dad always referred to me as "boy crazy". And I was. I was a little flirt. Always talking about the cutest boy in class. And it continued through middle school. In high school, I had my very first semi-serious boyfriend in 10th grade. That's also when I got my first, ridiculously hot steamy kiss. After that, I was "in love" with being in love. I rarely went more than a few months without having a boyfriend. And so it's been that way ever since. I can't remember the last time I didn't have someone that I was "talking to", dating, or in a relationship with.

I dated someone that I was with for 4 years. We were high school sweethearts and got engaged right after our 3rd anniversary. When we broke up about months later, I was lost. I thought... wow, I have no idea how to date. I've only been with this one guy for almost the entire chunk of my dating life. It was weird. What I should have done was take time to focus on myself and figure out what I wanted in relationships. But, I didn't exactly do that.

What I did instead was try to fill that void- by dating someone new and trying to replace what I had with my ex. It didn't happen. It was an empty feeling. The next year or so, I dated around a lot- lots of first dates, lots of hookups, a few sprinkles of relationships. I met people that I never would have met if I hadn't dated around. As I've gotten older, I know that a lot of women do this- they go through a "selfish" phase where they try to find themselves.

That's just the start of my story. And it's only Day One.

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