Thursday, June 18, 2009

This part of my life is called: Tears.

Today is my last day at work before a 2 week hiatus- one week volunteering in New Orleans and one week at a Missouri NAHRO conference in St. Louis. It's the most stressful day, by far, because everything must be completed, but I also have to deal with a boss that is the most unprofessional man I have ever seen.

Since I'm leaving for New Orleans on Sunday, I won't be here to collect my per diem and mileage check for St. Louis. About 2 weeks ago, my boss asked me if I would be driving, because, and I quote, "we don't want to leave anything to the last minute. You will have your per diem check with your Paycheck next Thursday" Well, today is Thursday. I asked him if it would be coming with the check today. He said no. He said we never had this conversation.

It's interesting, because it's like you're dealing with a mentally handicapped man with dementia. Not only does he not understand what you're saying, but he forgets things you spoke to him about 10 minutes ago. He has been a mean, mean boss- he told everyone at our table at the conference at the lake that I barely run an office, and that I can't do it, which is why he had to get me an assistant. This job was done by 2 people before I came here, and I handled it by myself for a year and a half before I finally asked for help.

Well, this is apparently what I did wrong- I asked another woman at the office when they were leaving for St Louis since I wont be home from New Orleans til late Friday. I was trying to figure out in my head when I would be able to get the check and how to cash it before I'm supposed to leave to St Louis. I get an angry call from my boss. He won't let me explain, screaming at me like an irate father to a child. He tells me that, quote, "I'm the boss and I'm sick of you challenging me. I didn't say that. You don't know what you're talking about". Plus some more angry words, telling me that I'm basically lying, and that I will get the money and to stop worrying about it. Then he hung up on me. Slamming the phone down.

This comes from a man that sent us and paid for training in Kansas City but forgot to register us, so he paid about $100 apiece for us to sit there, twiddling our thumbs for 4 hours. Genius.

I've worked here for nearly three years, and I'm about tired of this treatment. I have bent over backwards for this man, and he belittles and berates me. I'm about to give up this job for waiting tables- atleast I would get a little more respect. A waitress getting more respect than an office manager? Sounds strange, doesnt it?

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